• What is your event?
  • Why are you creating it / what is it’s purpose?
  • Does it fulfil a need in the community?
  • Is it a fundraiser?
  • Does it promote something unique?
  • Is it designed to draw people to your area
  • Other?


Decide on the name of the event and branding


Give yourself enough time to plan, source everything you need including volunteers and have enough time to market and promote the event.

(Every event needs a different lead time but be ready for potential delays with consents, suppliers etc. All details should be finalised before your major promotional push).

Avoid date clashes with similar events or major events which could impact attendance – check other events calendars.

(There are various event calendars produced around the region but key ones to check would be the Bluff Events Calendar at www.bluff.co.nz, the Great South Events Page at https://greatsouth.nz plus What’s On Invers https://whatsoninvers.nz https://icc.govt.nz and https://southlandapp.nz

Can accommodation handle an influx on that date?

Is it holiday time (will that hinder or help your event?)

Does it fit with similar events elsewhere?

Find a suitable venue

(Factors to consider – facilities, size, security, what extra infrastucture is needed)


(Identify the logistics required – vendors, suppliers, ticketing, ticket sales, fencing, security, toilets, bins, parking, Traffic Management Plans, cleaning, stocking toilets, signage, communications, walkie talkies, staging, sound, generators, programmes, maps, timetable, staffing, volunteers, looking after volunteers – food & beverage breaks etc. consents, licences etc.)

Consider local council by-laws, alcohol regulations, Parks, DOC, Rūnanga, Police, Fire, requirements


Benefits offered to sponsors and how will they be acknowledged



(Ticket Sales, sponsorship funding, vendor revenues, stallholder revenues)


(Venue security, performers, participants, staff, infrastructure

Include a contingency for unforseen costs)



  • Location
  • Date
  • Timing
  • Is the event unique and / or a new initiative
  • Is it a popular concept
  • Does it fulfil a need


  • Lack of interest
  • Cost
  • Date clashes
  • Weather dependency


  • A new/unique event
  • Funding opportunities
  • Gap in the market
  • Gap in the calendar


  • Weather
  • Date Clashes
  • Health & Safety Issues
  • Costs / Compliance
  • Possible event cancellation or postponement and the ramifications of that – i.e. refunds



  • Tickets/Admission
  • Fees – participants, vendors, stallholders
  • Sponsorshi[p
  • Funding
  • Costs
  • Venue
  • Equipment & infrastructure
  • Staging, lighting, toilets, etc.
  • Personnel
  • Performers, participants
  • Attractions
  • Licence / consent costs
  • Donations to volunteers
  • Contingency 10%


  • Plan
  • Health & Safety
  • Risk Management
  • Identify potetial hazards
  • Power – is equipment certified?
  • Cords – are they covered, taped, marked?
  • Trip hazards – are they covered?
  • Traffic – create a Traffic Management Plan
  • Evacuation Plan
  • Stairs, steps – clearly visible, guardrails?
  • Food – are vendors licensed?
  • Briefings for all staff, volunteers, contractors etc.
  • Emergency contacts – list them
  • Key personnel – list them



Once all requirements etc. are established – determine what your event needs and when it is needed by.

Create an organisational timeline – when to book items, performers, venue, infrastructure, volunteers, organise permits, consents, etc. commence marketing, promotion,

Apply a person responsible to each job

Ensure regular meetings and reporting oversight

Keep checklists

Ensure all added issues identified and acted upon


  • Social media
  • Paid Advertising
  • Billboards
  • Posters
  • Direct marketing – interest groups, sport, art, culture, music,
  • Flyers
  • Signage
  • Event calendars
  • Media Releases
  • Media Kit
  • Event Launch
  • Pre-event activities – activations with sponsors etc.



Ensure all is set up and ready

Ensure all team/helpers/workers are present

Conduct briefings – volunteers, staff, participants etc.

Monitor all facets through those responsible for each area

Maintain control by adhering to your Health & Safety and Risk Management Plan

At the end of the event take down infrastructure and close down


Meet to discuss feedback – good and bad

Develop feedback into your plan for the future and pay particular attention to the comments that are consistently coming through

Assess the viability of the event

Send Thanks/Acknowledgements

Volunteers, public, sponsors, etc.


 Food – keep in mind differing dietary requirements

Pre-sales can assist your planning for numbers and mitigate impacts of poor weather etc.

Use others to assess/critique your planning

Do a walk through from all perspectives

(Participants, Audience, Competitors, Artists, Performers, Spectators, Crew, Volunteers)

For assistance or further information:

Lindsay Beer

Bluff Publicity/Promotions Officer

021 351 499
